Low Vision Aids


Low vision refers to loss of sight that cannot be rectified with regular prescription eyeglasses, contact lenses, surgery or any medical management. A person with low vision cannot read the smaller letters beyond the 6/18 line. However, this can be managed with special low vision aids like magnifying glasses.

The most common causes of low vision include glaucoma, retinitis pigmentosa, age-related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, retinal and corneal dystrophies.

Low vision is tested through a comprehensive eye test and low vision assessment, followed by a trial of specific low vision aids. Lifestyle modifications and improvements in lighting conditions to improve visual performance and comfort are recommended alongside.

Different types of low vision aids:

  • Telescopic glasses for far viewing
  • Lenses that filter light
  • Reading glasses with prisms
  • Handheld and freestanding magnifiers for reading
  • Video magnification for reading
  • Reading lamps to enhance visual comfort while performing near activities

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