

A pterygium is an abnormal growth of tissue that extends from the conjunctiva (a membrane that covers the white of the eye) onto the cornea. Pterygia may be small, or grow large enough to interfere with vision and cause irritation. These growths are commonly located on the inner corner of the eye.

Pterygium causes

Development of pterygium is linked with high levels of ultraviolet (UV) light exposure from spending much of the day outside. Those spending time on snow or water without proper sunglasses are most at risk because of the additional light reflected from these surfaces.

A pterygium is most likely to occur in adults between 20 and 50, particularly men, and is more prevalent in areas where the UV risk is higher and where there are more environmental irritants such as wind, dust, chemicals and air pollution. People with light skin and eyes are at most risk of developing a pterygium.

Pterygium Symptoms

At first, a pterygium might not have any symptoms but as it gets larger, the eye looks red, itchy or feels like there’s something in it a pink-colored growth on the eye may be noticed.

Occurring in one or both eyes, most pterygium start in the corner of the eye by the nose. As it gets bigger and crosses over the cornea, the clear covering over the eye, it might cause blurry vision because it will warp the cornea causing an astigmatism. In extreme circumstances, the pterygium may progress over the cornea to obscure vision.


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