
Glaucoma – The Silent Thief Of Sight

Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of blindness for people worldwide. But blindness from glaucoma can often be prevented if detected early. Initially, Glaucoma has few or no symptoms. Usually, Glaucoma is related to high eye pressure also called Intra Ocular Pressure (IOP). This high eye pressure causes damage to the optic nerve which is a structure on the back of the eye responsible for carrying millions of nerve fibers from the retina to the brain, helping sight.

If left untreated it can cause loss to peripheral vision which can lead to tunnel vision and eventually blindness. As it generally starts impacting the peripheral vision first, in many instances, the person suffering from Glaucoma is unable to realize the loss of vision unless he starts bumping into things. That's precisely why Glaucoma is also referred to as silent thief of sight. Hence, regular screening is the best way to detect it and take appropriate treatment.

Types Of Glaucoma

The two most common types of Glaucoma are Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma and Angle Closure Glaucoma:

Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma

This is the most common type of Glaucoma which results in the gradual decrease in peripheral vision. The eye continuously produces fluid called aqueous humor. This fluid provides the eye with the necessary nutrients. It is necessary for this fluid to move from the front part of the eye to the back through a specific drainage structure. Any structural damage or clogging of the drainage structure will lead to reduced fluid drainage and in turn a buildup of fluid that results in pressure on the optic nerve. If left untreated, significant peripheral vision loss will occur.

Angle Closure Glaucoma

Closed-angle Glaucoma, also called narrow angle Glaucoma produces sudden symptoms such as blurry vision, headaches, and halos around lights, severe eye pain and nausea. This is caused by the sudden blockage of the drainage structure which results in an acute attack. This is a medical emergency and you need to consult your ophthalmologist immediately. Multiple attacks may occur and this will lead to progressive loss of vision.

Other Types Of Glaucoma Include:
Normal-Tension Glaucoma

Normal tension is a type of open-angle glaucoma that can cause visual field loss due to damage to the optic nerve, but in normal tension Glaucoma the eye pressure is within normal range.

Pigmentary Glaucoma

This is a rare form of Glaucoma that is caused by the clogging of the drainage structure of the eye due to pigment that has broken loose from the Iris.

Secondary Glaucoma

Symptoms of chronic glaucoma developing due to eye injury can indicate secondary glaucoma.

Congenital Glaucoma

This is an inherited form of glaucoma and is present at birth. Children with Congenital Galucoma are born with a defect in the drainage structure.

Glaucoma Symptoms

In most cases Glaucoma produces no initial symptoms. One will notice a loss of vision only later when damage to the optic nerve has already occurred. In acute angle closure Glaucoma symptoms will be more sudden.

Risk Factors Of Glaucoma

  • Race: Africans are at least three times more likely to develop Glaucoma than Caucasians.

  • Age: People over the age of 40 are more at risk of developing Glaucoma.
  • Family History: Those with a family history of Glaucoma are more at risk.
  • High Myopia: Those with a high degree of near sightedness are more at risk of developing Glaucoma.
  • Diabetes: Those with diabetes or with blood circulation problems are at risk.

People with more than one of these risk factors have an even higher risk of Glaucoma.

Diagnosis And Tests For Glaucoma

Tonometry: A tonometer is an instrument that measures the pressure of your eye and can be performed by an optometrist.

Fundus Photography: This involves taking an image of the back of the eye especially the Optic Nerve.

Visual Field Testing: This measures the range of your peripheral vision while looking straight ahead and detects any defect in your visual field.

Treatment For Glaucoma

The most common treatment for controlling one’s eye pressure is with Glaucoma eye drops. These drops aim to lower your Intra Ocular Pressure and ultimately the pressure on your optic nerve.

Treatment can also involve glaucoma surgery. This involves creating an extra drainage angle to release pressure. This will be performed when the pressure is very high and an urgent release of pressure is needed. Noncompliance to eye drops might also lead to surgery.

Due to the absence of any symptoms and to detect Glaucoma in the early stages, it is very important to go for frequent and regular checkups with your eye care professional.

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