Central Serous Retinopathy



  • Blurred or distorted vision in one eye
  • Blurred central vision
  • Brown or dull tinge to vision

If you're suffering from Central Serous Retinopathy you may also have fuzzy central vision and your sight might seem like it has a brown or dull coloring to it.

You might also experience blind spots in your vision, feel overly sensitive to light levels and see objects smaller than they actually are. Sometimes the condition can present no visible symptoms though.

Central Serous Retinopathy

Central Serous Retinopathy is a disease that causes temporary, but in some cases permanent, blurred vision. It commonly affects young to middle-aged men. It usually affects one eye, but in rare cases both can be affected. The effects of Central Serous Retinopathy are normally temporary and most patients recover good vision. Treatment can significantly speed up recovery. It happens when fluid builds up under the Retina. These blister-like swellings can cause distorted vision. Stress, use of sterioids and Type-A personality puts one at an increased for developing CSR.


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