brand highlight
2021, الإصدار #1
21 Apr. 2021

To celebrate and honour the frontliners who have placed the health and safety of the public over their own, Rivoli EyeZone launched #VisionCareForHeroes program in April, 2020 by offering a complimentary pair of inxt optical lenses. In February 2021, the program was expanded to offer the same benefit to more than 100,000 frontliners who are part of the Frontline Heroes Office registry - an initiative endorsed by the Frontline Heroes Office founded under the direction of Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces in the UAE.

The campaign video launched on social media platforms including Facebook & Instagram gathered over 1.1 M views in less than a week. The story has been supported by over 30 media titles across print, online & radio channels. So far Rivoli EyeZone has provided quality vision care to over 3,000 heroes. #VisionCareForHeroes by Rivoli EyeZone was also recognized by Campaign Middle East magazine as one of the most innovative marketing initiatives of the year.